Low-Cost Lending That’s Fast Too!

Why East Bay Finance

Debt Consolidation Loans

Set yourself up for success with fairer interest rates and a repayment plan that works for you! 

If you’re struggling to repay credit cards and other debts, or paying high-interest rates, combining all your debts into one easy to manage low-cost loan may be a good option for you.

At East Bay Finance, we can tailor a refinancing plan to suit you.

Our friendly, experienced team can help you take control of your lending, and may even be able to help you save on interest and fees.


Debt Consolidation Loans

Benefits Can Be:

  1. Longer repayment periods, so your regular payment is smaller to fit your budget
  2. Lower interest rates, depending on your personal situation
  3. Paying one set of fees on a single loan, instead of multiple fees on many loans
  4. One easy to manage payment that can be timed to come out when you get paid, so budgeting is easier

East Bay Finance

Affordable Debt Consolidation Loans

How can consolidating debts help me?

A debt consolidation loan is a type of personal loan that can help you combine several debts into one loan, hopefully at a lower interest rate.


If you have lots of small debts and credit card debt, you could be paying more in fees and interest than if you had one larger loan spread over a longer period.


It’s also a lot harder to keep track of lots of loans, so it’s easier to miss repayments which impacts your credit score. You can also choose terms that work for you, so it’s easier for you too.

Can I get a top up at the same time?

Yes, most of the time. If you can afford to make the repayments you may be able to borrow more. Many of our clients do take out a bit extra when consolidating their debts, so they have some to fall back on or to buy something they really want.

How much could you save?

It costs nothing to get a quote.


  • Tell us what you’re currently paying in total each month on all your loans
  • Provide us with your outstanding balance
  • We’ll tell you what you could potentially save

One of our friendly consultants will talk you through your options and answer any questions you may have.


If you like what we can do for you, we may be able to pay off your outstanding loans that day or the next.

Have you tried our Loan Calculator?

East Bay Finance provides all sorts of loans to all sorts of customers. We have a handy Loan Calculator that can give you an indication of what payments could be.

Do you provide Bad Credit Debt Consolidation Loans?

Absolutely, and this can be a great way to get back on track and improve your credit score. By making one payment instead of multiple, it’s easier to budget.


What’s more, you can potentially save on fees and interest so you can pay down debt more affordably. In some situations you may be required to provide security.

Is your financial situation causing you stress?

If so, talk to a company that cares and works hard to find you a fairer deal. Make sure you know all your options. It costs nothing to get a quote from us. Give one of our friendly consultants a call today, or apply online in a few minutes.